Bobbie Mostyn, author of several low salt food books

Welcome to, the ultimate resource for those seeking to lead a healthier, low-sodium lifestyle. Founded by Bobbie Mostyn, a passionate advocate for low salt living. her mission is to provide you with the knowledge and tools you need to reduce your sodium intake without sacrificing flavor.

Bobbie’s journey began over 25 years ago when she faced her own health challenges (read more at Bobbie’s Journey below). Since then, Bobbie has dedicated herself to helping others by sharing her expertise and personal experience. Her background as a medical company researcher, coupled with her genuine concern for others, has turned her personal health challenges into a valuable resource.

Bobbie is the author of several popular low salt books, including the Pocket Guide to Low Sodium Foods, now in its 4th revision, and the newly updated The Hasty Gourmet™ Low-Salt Favorites cookbook. She also developed the website, where she offers practical advice, delicious recipes, and invaluable tips for maintaining a low-salt diet. Clearly, Bobbie’s efforts have significantly impacted those seeking to reduce their sodium intake for better health.

Bobbie and her husband, Mike, share a home by the water outside of Olympia, WA. When not enjoying a margarita and a cool breeze, you’ll find her out on the golf course or cheering for her beloved Oregon Ducks (yes, Washington Huskies fans, we live among you)!

Bobbie’s Journey

My low-salt journey began in the early 2000s. I thought I was super healthy – always exercising, jogging, biking, and playing golf whenever I could. I took pride in preparing nutritious meals, sticking to poultry and fish, whole grains, and low-fat foods. The saltshaker had been banished from my kitchen ages ago.

Then, my doctor gave me some shocking news: “You have high blood pressure and need to cut back on salt.” I was stunned, How could I be consuming too much salt? Like many people, I had no clue about the hidden sodium in my diet. Checking my pantry was a real eye-opener. The lowfat spaghetti sauce I regularly used had 480mg of sodium per half-cup and my favorite bread had 250mg per slice. But the worst was my favorite lowfat ranch dressing (which I heavily poured on salads) at 440mg for just 2 tablespoons! Adding it all up, my daily intake was well over 3,500mg of sodium – way too much!

Determined to lower my salt intake, I spent hours at the supermarket reading labels. I discovered huge differences in sodium content between brands. Almost every food had a low-sodium alternative. For example, a 1/4 cup of tomato sauce has anywhere from 15mg to 380mg of sodium, depending on the brand. If I use the lowest-sodium option, I cut out 365mg of sodium with hardly any difference in taste.

Determined to Help Others

The more I learned, the more committed I became to share my findings and help others who need to reduce their sodium consumption. This new mission became my passion, and in 2003, I published the first edition of the Pocket Guide to Low Sodium Foods. That same year I launched the website.

I’ve talked with many people who have hypertension and other health issues where sodium restriction is crucial. Most of them were just like me, believing that avoiding the saltshaker was enough… completely unaware of how much salt we are actually consuming. (To see how aware you are, take the Salt Savvy quiz.)

I hope the information I provide is helpful and you’ll share it with your friends and healthcare providers. It’s been a labor of love and my goal is to help make your food choices a little easier as you take control of your diet and embrace a healthier, lower-salt lifestyle!

Bobbie Mostyn